Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thing 12 - Rollyo

Another fun new tool - what a great thing for busy librarians. Choose all your favourite sites and search them and only them - fantastic! I am having a bit of trouble working out how to link to my search roll but will persevere. Ok I think I've done it.

On Tuesday I went to the 'Web 2.0 and its potential for the library community' seminar at the National Library. There were a lot of interesting and knowledgeable presenters and a vast amount of new information to think about and consider.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Play - Thing 10 & LibraryThing - Thing 11

Hi - I have been having a good look at generators - there are a lot of creative people in this world. I particularly like The Generator Blog it has an amazing amount of ways of manipulating text and pictures. I have had fun putting in names to have them translated into Chinese Characters.
Australie - prononciation (PinYin) : ào zhōu ào dà lì yà

I have also 'discovered' LibraryThing. I've catalogued some books and am still thinking about all the uses of the site. I'm not quite ready to open up my library to public view.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Things 8&9 - RSS Feeds

Hi, RSS feeds - any technology that starts with the words 'really simple' has got to be worth checking out. So I did and I like them. It's great to just log on to a website and see if any new 'stuff' has come in. I also like that you can mark and keep any item. I'm adding and subtracting different feeds as I decide if they're worth keeping or not.
I can see that they are a useful tool for busy librarians and customers. With time on the internet at a premium, a service like Bloglines is an excellent way of getting lots of information in the shortest possible time.
The tools that allow you to search for feeds on specific subjects are useful (Feedster is still offline) particularly if you are after a group of feeds in one subject area but it is more fun to find feeds randomly.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Thing 7 - Technology

I've come to the conclusion that technology is addictive. What would I do without my remote controls (all 5 of them), my oven timer (no one likes burnt cake) or my computer (I can do work on it, keep in touch with my family on it and play on it). But it is also pretty mind blowing to think that I can type this in Canberra knowing that anyone in the whole wide world might read it!

I worked out that someone had posted a comment to my blog - thank-you. Now I have to work out how to post a comment of my own.

That is another thing about technology - it constantly forces you to learn. This is sometimes a good thing and sometimes a bad thing. I am having fun learning about Web 2.0 but it can be very frustrating when I want to watch a DVD and I have to use 4 remotes to do so.

Thing 6

I've been having a lovely time getting ahead of myself and learning new terminology and signing up for all sorts of fun Web 2.0 things. A bit much of Habit 71/2.

But.... I should be doing things in order so here is a post about Thing 6 - Exploring Flickr. As I said before great fun but very time consuming. I liked the idea of the photo mosaic but found it to be soooo slooooow. Mapr I thought might be useful if you liked scrapbooking/making lovely photo albums etc. I really wanted to have a look at Spell with Flickr but like a lot of things on the Web it doesn't appear to be online anymore - or at least I couldn't find it despite some quite extensive searching. I though the heading on the blog looked great and I was hoping to have some fun with it. Oh well never mind - on to the next Thing.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Exploring Flickr

This is an amazing site - a mind boggling number of photos are being uploaded every second, thousands and thousands of them.
You could spend hours looking at just a fraction of the images - an enormous waste of time. But on the other hand it looks like a really useful way to sort and organise your own photos.

How could I choose just one photo to put on my blog. In the end I chose one that has a slender library connection and a cat who looks very similar to mine. Hopefully this will inspire me to upload my own pictures.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Welcome to my first ever blog posting. Setting up was more complicated and time consuming than I expected but by utilising Habits 2 & 3 I have moved a bit closer to understanding the process. Habit 4 is the hardest for me to stick to, I'm much happier with Habit 71/2.

I'm looking forward to adding extra bits and pieces to this blog as I continue my journey.
