Monday, November 19, 2007

Things 8&9 - RSS Feeds

Hi, RSS feeds - any technology that starts with the words 'really simple' has got to be worth checking out. So I did and I like them. It's great to just log on to a website and see if any new 'stuff' has come in. I also like that you can mark and keep any item. I'm adding and subtracting different feeds as I decide if they're worth keeping or not.
I can see that they are a useful tool for busy librarians and customers. With time on the internet at a premium, a service like Bloglines is an excellent way of getting lots of information in the shortest possible time.
The tools that allow you to search for feeds on specific subjects are useful (Feedster is still offline) particularly if you are after a group of feeds in one subject area but it is more fun to find feeds randomly.

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