Sunday, December 2, 2007

Thing 13 -

I have been quite confused about this Thing. But once I sorted out the terminology; bookmark = favourites I was happier. However at this stage in my life I don't think I need to spend the time exploring this tool. I can't honestly think if a reason for using it in a library situation and for my own needs using Favourites is quite adequate. I can rearrange my favourites list however I want and see at a glance what I have access to without signing in to yet another website.
If any other Canberra 2.0 bloggers can tell me of a wonderful use for it I will be happy to hear it.


Anonymous said...


I've also registered for this course but my blog doesn't show in the Participants Blogs.

I use in a school situation, in fact there are a couple of school librarians and a National librarian on my network if you would like to check it out. The link to it is on my Thing 13 blog post, my blog being


Explorer said...

Hi missmarple. Thanks for your comment and the link to your blog and the school's site. It is all much clearer now and I can see that it would be of use to share information among groups of people with similar needs or interests.