Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Thing 18 - Zoho Writer

This is an experiment with Zoho Writer - what is it good for, can I actually add a comment but how will I read it? Try click. Yes!

Will the formatting transfer to other applications, like my blog? What if I change the font and colour and size? (There isn't a lot of choice of fonts) How to I get it over there? And really when it comes down to it how much different is it to Word and copying and pasting. Actually I'm not sure you can do that with a blog. I'll find out.

This is a test to see if I can cut and past from Word to my blog. I will change the font and the colour and the size and see if the formatting comes too– that is if it comes at all.

OK - that was interesting. Most of the formatting stayed with the Zoho test - the comment didn't come. The words came over from Word but none of the formatting.

Even more interesting and somewhat annoying is the fact that in my edit screen for the blog I can see the formatting from Zoho but when it is posted most of if changes. In edit I can see that the word 'size' is much bigger than the surrounding words, but when I publish it it is the same. Seems to defeat the purpose somewhat of having applications that "talk" to each other when the message gets garbled.

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